Lewis & Clark HS Class of 1968 - 55th Reunion (August 2023)
First Name *
Middle Initial
Last Name *
Maiden Name ( PLEASE )
Spouse/Guest Full Name
Street Address *
City *
State/Province *
Zip/Postal Code *
Country *
Phone Number *
Cell Phone Number
Email Address *
Confirm Email Address *
If you would like to save the above information in a personal user profile to avoid having to re-enter the information when you revisit this site, enter a password here. The password should be 10 to 50 characters in length and include both upper and lower characters as well as numbers and special characters.
Re-enter Password
Will you be attending any of the following events?
If you clicked "yes" above and are bringing additional guest(s) other than your spouse/so listed above, please enter their name(s) below. (First Name & Last Name), (First Name & Last Name), (First Name & Last Name), etc.
Saturday 6 - 10 PM Manito Country Club Dinner
Bringing a spouse or guest?
If you clicked "yes" above and are bringing additional guest(s) other than your spouse/so listed above, please enter their name(s) below. (First Name & Last Name), (First Name & Last Name), (First Name & Last Name), etc.
Sunday 12 noon to 4 PM Picnic at Comstock Park?
Bringing a spouse or guest?
If you clicked "yes" above and are bringing additional guest(s) other than your spouse/so listed above, please enter their name(s) below. (First Name & Last Name), (First Name & Last Name), (First Name & Last Name), etc.